🥇 Why athletes bite their medals (and why they probably shouldn't)
But why do Olympic champions chomp down on their medals? It's a tradition that harks back to when medals were pure gold. Nowadays, they're mostly silver with a gold plating, so athletes might want to think twice before sinking their teeth in!
Fun fact: Gold, silver, and bronze medals follow the order of the elements in the periodic table.
🦢 The goose's golden dilemma
Why does no one pity the goose that lays golden eggs? Just consider the poor bird's struggle. Imagine thinking you’re going to have a baby, but passing a 24-karat egg every day. Ouch!
🍰 When desserts get bougie
Sprinkle some gold leaf or a few gold flakes on a mediocre dessert, and suddenly it's "haute cuisine." Is it worth the price tag? Debatable. But hey, at least your Instagram feed will look fabulous!
Remember the time Salt Bae covered a steak in gold leaf? Surely, it didn’t taste any better, but it did do a lot more for his Dubai fans.
📱Your phone’s hidden treasure
Your phone has more gold than you think- about 0.034 grams. Turns out that gold is an excellent conductor of electricity needed for the phone. But before you start smashing open your backup phone, remember: it needs a complex industrial process to separate from the thrash.
🫖Repair it with Kintsugi!
In Japan, they mend broken pottery with gold, creating a unique, perfectly-imperfect piece. Now if only Bondtite would put gold in a tube for us to fix it! Startup idea, anyone?
Side note- here’s an ad So scripted for Bondtite a while back:
👑Heavy is the head that wears the crown
Do you feel guilty about splurging on your birthday? Well, Emperor Akbar used to weigh himself against gold and other precious items in a ceremony called ‘tuladan’. (He is said to have weighed 120kgs). In a move that would today put the Ambanis to shame, he distributed the weighed gold among the poor and needy. He possibly had a golden heart!
Imagine today’s leaders doing this where we’d see them hitting the gym before the annual budget is announced. We’re only hoping for the best of your health, N Sitaraman.
📸 Golden hour: Nature’s free Instagram filter
The “golden hour” is proof that sometimes gold can be free. It’s probably the closest most of us will get to looking like we got the Midas Touch.
🏢The real King Midas
Today’s VCs are turning startups into gold with a mere touch (aka a lot of $$$). Here’s hoping they find more than a pot of gold at the end of their unicorn-rainbow.
🌈The new pot of gold
Millennials don’t chase rainbows. Today we chase credit card points. It’s a modern-day gold rush, but instead of panning for nuggets, we are swiping (and tapping) for cashback.